Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Got tired of this site messing up my friends' computers. here's the new blog


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


["The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son." ]

This was yesterday's Facebook status of Craig Ballantyne creator of Turbulence Training Fat Loss and all-around fitness bad ass.

Who is the happiest person I know?

That would have to be my father. He's a Vietnam Vet. that fought in one of the worst battles of the war. (ref. "When We Were Soldiers" movie) He has been through hell & back, literally.

 After the war, he came home and busted his ass for over 40yrs at a job that he hated, in order to support the family he loves. He has been a devoted husband for 40 yrs (which is uncommon nowadays) and a loving, but stern, father to 3 girls and 1 kick ass boy. 

Despite all the curve balls life threw at him, he has got to be the most optimistic person I know. I've got some tough shoes to fill when I become a father in May. As long as I keep my father's outlook on life in my heart, I think I'll do just fine. Thanks dad for not only serving your country, but more importantly, for being a real life "Superman."

Friday, October 30, 2009


[I guess he found the "fat burning zone"]

(This is more of a rant than anything. So, there's no rhythm to it. Fuck it! That's what blogs are for)

You've been on and off the scale, worrying about your "BMI" , trying to eat a specific amount of calories, and doing 45min - 1hr of useless cardio on your stair stepper all your life ...How's that been working out for you?... Are you a number or are you somebody?

i guess i need to clarify that the cardio i am referring to is the steady state, 45-1hr low intensity, high impact crap many people think is the key to fat loss.

you want an effective weight loss routine? stop eating shit, lift heavy things a few times a week, sprint like f*#k'n race horse once in a while, and play every day. 

don't get me wrong, 45min - 1hr jogs and/or hikes are not only enjoyable, but are also good for overall health. however, they are just a small piece of a bigger puzzle.

too much of any one aspect will have negative results. strength trainig w/o adequate recovery will lead to injury and illness quicker than you can say "squat."

a lot of my old clients were "cardio-aholics" thinking that the reason the didn't lose that last 10-15lbs was due to the fact that they only did 30min on the recumbent bike instead of an hour.

they would bust their ass doing 30min on the treadmill ( fight the machines!) b/4 a session, then i would put them through the worst 15-30 min of their life, then they would come in on their days off and lightly jog for 30min-1hr complaining that they were sore and tired from our last session.

at this point they had stopped burning fat and started destroying muscle. then, they would get insanely hungry, go next door to the smoothie shop and order a jumbo PB smoothie, down it in about 5min, spike their insulin levels, increase their fat stores, and repeat the process all over again.

they would eventually come to me and ask why they haven't seemed to lose any fat. i told them that their diet sucked and they need to stop doing so much damn low intensity cardio, but they were not ready to hear the truth.

insanity- doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

same could be said for stupidity.

in regards to not being able to burn fat in less than 30 min, you can burn fat in less than 3min in my version of the "fat burning zone." a.k.a the kitchen.

you wanna burn fat? eat less and of the right types of foods.

plain and simple, you can't out run a bad diet.

here's an effective "fat burning" routine you can do in 4min


*20sec of work / 10 sec of rest x 8 rounds

*kettlebell, dumbbell, or barbell front squats

* try to get as many reps as you can w/ perfect form w/in the 20sec.

* no sissy squats either. ass below parallel (ass to the ground even better)

* same goes for the weight..no sissy, that is.

* be aggressive and explosive.

* pretty soon you'll be begging for that 4th min to end.

* if not, you need to put down that pink 2.5 lb baby toy you call a weight and pick up some real tonnage.

Check out these links for more info on bullshit cardio and tabata protocol.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


So it begins.

I have accepted the fact that my blade is in serious need of sharpening. That's why I decided to enlist the help of a Senior blacksmith to melt me down, and build me up again; so that I am strong as steel and razor sharp.

I got a fever, and the only cure is more Swings and Get Ups.

You are either a student of many schools or a master of one. My destination is the latter, and my fuels are Get Ups and Swings. From now on until I hear otherwise, the prescription is 100 Swings and 10/10 Get Ups every day. How I choose to break plan it out is up to me; however, the key is to stay fresh.

It was a beautiful day yesterday so I decided to take the KB to the park. I did 5/5 TGU' slow and controlled, rest for about 5-6 min (laying on the grass just looking at the clouds), then I did 5x10 KBS. I rested another 5-6min and repeated. All with the 16kg I might add. We've recently rekindled our relationship.

Indiana Doug And The Quest For The Perfect Rep.

Staying fresh and controlling my fatigue will help me find that perfect rep. How I break up the sets is really going to depend on the day. I'm pretty busy when I'm not at the station, or at the station, but on the paramedic squad. Taking long breaks b/t sets just won't cut. There's no telling if I'll be running to a business meeting or doing CPR on patient. On these days, I have to do my set in blocks of 3-5 depending on how I feel.

Today is Sunday and I'm on the pumper. I should have a little more time to break the sets up a bit more today. I started the morning off early at 4am w/ 5/5 TGU's. I just watched a few respectable You Tube videos trying to really see where I need to improve. (This one by Dan John, RKC is awesome.) I'll be taking a few more notes then heading out to the apparatus bay for a few more Get Ups. The 100 swings will come later after some much needed R&R.

And here we go!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

VWC FOR 102008


10 Goblet Squats w/ 16kg
10 Swings w/ 16kg
5/5 Sampson Stretch
* 2 Rounds


VWC 15/15: 7/7 w/ the 16kg. Got 40 sets in today. Going to add 5 or more sets each time I do this until I reach 80


 B/T 5 and 10 min of KB Feestyle

Monday, October 19, 2009



5 Min TGU w/ 24kg 1/1


AMRAP In 30 Min Of:

Dbl 24 kg Clean and Press x 5
Fighter Ring Pull Ups x 5,4,3,2,1
32 kg Swings x 30

*Completed 5 rounds today in about 21 min. I could have gone for at least 7 rounds, but I felt good with where I stopped. I didn't want to push myself to hard todaty becasue I thought that I'd be on the pumper, but as usual the rotation system failed again.

* Forgot to mention that I did the 5min RKC snatch test yesterday w/ the 24kg. Got 93 reps. Almost there. The Iron Tamer pointed out that I was lifting my heels off the ground. Didn't notice, but will fix it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


* I am quickly finding out that trying to put a business plan together and scouting out possible locations for our warehouse gym takes a lot of time out of your day.

* Needless to say, 730pm shows up pretty fast when you've got about 1,000 things to do in 24 hrs. (including getting ready for the next day and sleep)

* I had about less than 30min to get my workout in so I decided to try a kettlebell circuit I got from a You Tube post by Zach Even-Esh and David Whitley called a "Kettlebell Chain."

* In the vid, Coach Z states that you need 4 or more kettlebells of ascending weight to really make this effective. I started w/ 16kg, 20kg, 24kg , and a 28kg.

* The series of lifts in the "Chain" are as follows; Snatch, Rack, Strict Press, Clean And Press. Do 1 rep of each exercise on the left then 1 rep of each on the right

* Move to the next heavier kettlebell and repeat the sequence until you move to the top of the "Chain" and work your way back down.

* I threw in some fighter pull ups between chains. I think I got through it 5 time.

* There hardest part for me (other than the lifts themselves) was remembering the order of exercises. You'll see in the video where I stumble forward on the 20kg twice b/c I almost cleaned it instead of snatching it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



* My soon to be business partner called me yesterday afternoon and invited Lisa and me to dinner w/ him, his wife, and their two amazing kids. I had about 1:30 min before we met up with them, and I still hadn't done my workout.

* I was up for heavy Dbl KB presses, but decided to go for this quick 15 min single KB workout.

W/ One 24 KG Kettlebell.

AMRAP IN 15 Min.Of:

5 Goblet Squats
5/5 Military Presses
5 Pull Ups.

Check it out here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


                                                        [ The Original Viking Warrior]


Kettlebell Free Style w/ 16kg


15/15 Viking Warrior Conditioning w/ 16 KG @ 26 sets of 7/7 = 182 Snatches


*Trained w/ A.C. for the first time and killed it. It's always good to have a partner to bounce things off of.

* First time doing VWC in a good while. I'm hoping it will help me w/ my snatch test numbers, but I don't want to overtrain it. The tendancy is there so I have to watch it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

WOD 101209


3 Bent Rows
3 Military Press
3 Front Squat
3 Pumps
* 3 Rounds


A1) Dbl 24kg Military Press 5x5
A2) KB Pull Ups 4,3,4,3,3

B1) Dbl 24kg Front Squats
B2) Dbl 24kg Single Leg Deadlift

C1) 10 Min TGU 1/1 @ 8 Totalw/ 32kg


* For some reason, I was a little weaker in the pull ups today. I tested my pull up numbers the other day so that could have been the reason why.

* I decided to do 10min of 1/1 TGU instead of 4 sets of 5/5 reps. I felt it was starting be too much and it was taking me longer to recover.

* I'm going to try to get at least 1 foam roll session in per day. I can already feel how much it is helping me.

Saturday, October 10, 2009



3 Pumps
10 OH Sqts
5/5 Cossack Stretch
*2 Rounds

10 Goblet Sqt w/ 16kg
5 MP Lt/Rt
5 Windmill Lt/Rt
* 2 Rounds


A1) Db 24kg C&P 5x5/5
A2) 7kg Ring Pull Ups 5x4

B1) Dbl 24kg Front Squats 5x5
B2) Dbl 24kg Windmill 5x5/5


24kg Snatch 8x5/5 "On the Minute"

Thursday, October 8, 2009


WARM UP (Yesterday)

3 Dbl 16 Kg Bent Rows
3 Dbl 16 Kg Front Squats
3 Dbl 16 Kg Military Presses
3 Pumps
X 3 Rounds


A1) Dbl 24 Kg Military Press 5x5
A2) Dbl 24 Kg Bent Row 5x5
B1) Dbl 24 Kg Front Squats 5x5
B2) 24 Kg TGU 4x5/5
"Cup O' Joe" CONDITIONING (Today)

A1) 50,40,30,20,10 Swings w/ 32 Kg
A2) 10, 20 ,30, 40, 50 Sledgehammer Tire Chops w/ 8lb Hammer


* I'm getting a lot deeper in my front squats, which means my hip flexibility is improving. I haven't felt any strain in my lower back since going heavy on these, which is good. I can attribute that to staying tight during the eccentric part of the life and snapping my hips forward at the top of the lift.

* My TGUs are feeling really strong. I feel I'm right on the threshold of the 5th set.

Monday, October 5, 2009



Foam Rolling

2x16 kg Dbl Front Squat to Military Press 5,4,3,2,1


A1) Dbl C&P w/ 2x24kg 5x5
A2) KB Pull Ups w/ 7kg x 4,4,4,3,3

B1) Dbl Front Sqt w/ 2x24kg 5x5
B2) TGU w/ 24kg 4x5/5


Driveway Dbl 16kg Lock Out OH
Dbl 16kg Swings x 10
Driveway Dbl 16kg See Saw Press
*2 Rounds


* Felt great today, but I need to get out there a little earlier. I replaced the double 24kg swings in the strength portion and replaced them w/ the TGU that way I can have two days to focus on conditioning with the swing and snatch.

Sunday, October 4, 2009



30 Pulls On ATS ROWER
5/5 KB Snatch w/ 16kg
* 3 Rounds

200 M Row On ATS Rower
10/10 KB Snatches w/ 24 kg
*5 Rounds

*finished in 11 min. Going for 10min next week.


Spider Man Plks
MC Flex
Side Plk Lt
Side Plk Rt
Super Plk


Foam Rolling and Joint Mobility

Friday, October 2, 2009

WOD 100209


10 min of Chaos


A1) Dbl 24kg Military Press 5x5
A2) KB(7kg) Ring Pull Up 5x4

B1) Dbl 24kg Front Squat 5x5
B2) Dbl 24kg Swings 5x5

C1) 24kg TGU 3x5

Wednesday, September 30, 2009



10 min of kettlebell "free style" w/ walking w/ 2x16kg locked out over head (used 16kg for the free style)


A1) KB Floor Press 3x5w/ 2x24kg & 2x5 w/ 2x31 kg (gripped two 7kg w/ each 24kg)
A2) KB Bent Row 5x5 w/ 2x24kg

B1) Dbl Front Sqt 5x5 w/ 2x24kg
B2) Dbl Snatch 5x5 w/ 2x16kg

C1) Dbl Windmill 5x5 w/ 2x24kg


Walked Jack to the park and did 5x5 Hindu Push Ups and 5/5x5 Sampson Stretch

Stretching and Foam Roll when I got home.


* Didn't really get into the floor press. It's not one of the lifts taught at the RKC so I'm going throw it out and stick to overhead press variations.

* The Dbl Front Sqts w/ the 24 were hard, but I know they will make me stronger. Think I'll use them as a warm up when I go back to ROP.

*Dbl Windmills rocked, but really need to focus on TGUs

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



3 Pumps
10 OH Squats
5/5 Windmill
*2 Rounds

Joint Mobility


5,4,3,2,1LR COC T

Walked Jack to the Park w/ 8lb Sledge Hammer

10/10 Sledgehammer Cast
2/2 COC 1
4/4 Sledgehammer Lever
* 3 Rounds

Walked back home

5,4,3,2,1LR  COC T

Monday, September 28, 2009


WARM UP (w/16kg)

30sec Sling Shot L
30sec Sling Shot R
30sec Halos
30sec Goblet Squat
30sec Swing Mix
30sec High Pulls L
30sec High Pulls R
30sec Clean L
30sec Clean R
30sec Snatch L
30sec Snatch R
* One Time Through w/o Rest


Round 1: Upper Body (5 Sets of Each)

A1 - Dbl 16kg Clean and Press x 5
A2 - 7kg KB Pull Up x 3

Round 2: Lower Body (5 Sets of Each)

B1 - Dbl 16kg Front Squats x 5
B2 - Dbl 16kg Swings x 5

Round 3: Finisher

C1 - 25kg TGU 1 set of 5/5


* I fasted today so I didn't want to go too heavy since this was my first time to do this routine. I will be  following Mike Mahler's The Kettlebell Soulution For Size and Strength for the next 4-6 wks. I'm more interested in increasing strength than size, but a little more muscle wouldn't hurt.

* I chose this program b/c it still uses the foundational lifts, but with double kettlebells. Mahler states that;

It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that most of the above kettlebell exercises require two kettlebells. Why? The reason is obvious more resistance equals faster hypertrophy and strength gains. Lets use the example of the Double Military Press to illustrate this point further. When you press one 70lb kettlebell overhead your body is working against 70lbs total. When you press two kettlebells overhead, your body is working against 140lbs. I say body, as the military press requires a full body effort when executed properly. To lift the most weight overhead, you need to flex your butt, legs, stomach, lats, shoulder, triceps and biceps. The more weight that your body has to work against, the more intense the exercise is and the more hypertrophy will be developed. If lifting one kettlebell were superior or even just as effective, then why do thousands of bodybuilders and athletes focus on basic compound barbell exercises?

Makes since to me. I only did 1 set of TGU's instead of 5. Like I said before, just getting a feel for it. Wed will have heavier weight and more TGU sets

Friday, September 25, 2009



5 Wave Squats To YSquat Stand Up
10 Push Ups
10/10 Hurdle Steps
10/10 Halos w/16kg
3 Pumps
* 3 Rounds


DBL C&P w/ 2x16kg 1,2,3,4,5

Ring Pull Up 1,2,3,4,5


* I missed my bells. I've been doing mostly bw workouts this week. to giv emy body a rest form the the high volume c&p's, swings and snatches of last month. I felt the need to get under a bit of weight. I could have gone for 4 or 5 ladders, but I decided to stop it at three. After all, this was supposed to be a week off.

*Not sure what the  plan will be for the next 4-6weeks, I could either continue on w/ ROP w/ the 27.4kg, or Dbl KB, or I was thinking of follwoing a kb strength program written by Mike Mahler. Either way, I will be working on solid technique and improving my strength and conditioning w/ the kettlebells.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Kali Indain Club Drills


3 Ring Dips
500 M Row
20 Sqt Jumps
500 M Row
3 Ring Dips
500 M Row
20 Sqt Jumps
500 M Row
3 Ring Dips
500 M Row
20 Sqt Jumps
500 M Row
3 Ring Dips
500 M Row


* I went light on the ring dips b/c I was still sore from Monday. I should have gone 10-15 on the sqt jumps b/c my legs are still sore. I really wanted to go "balls to the walls" today, but I have my 1st session with Mike House RKC II tomorrow morning. Think I might need to reserve a little fight for tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Commit ETK To Memeory: "Check" - Buy A Few Session w/ A Local RKC: "Check."


3 Pumps
5/5 RKC Arm Bars w/ 25lbs
10 OH Squats
5/5 Windmills w/ 25lbs
5 Push Ups Plus
* 3 Rounds

Stretching, Foam Rolls, and Joint Mobility b/4 I go to bed.


* I will be having  my 1st session with a RKC instructor this Thursday. I feel like a kid two nights before Christmas morning, except this Santa Clause is probably going to make me vomit. There's a lot that I need to improve upon, but I feel like I've got a pretty good foundation.

Monday, September 21, 2009


I just commited my self to 3 days of PAIN!


Tabata JRope x 8 Rounds
Joint Mobility


10 Wtd Para Push Ups w/ 25lbs
20 Meter Sprint
7 Wtd Para Push Ups w/ 20lbs
20 Meter Sprint
10 Wtd Para Push Ups w/ 10lbs
20 Meter Sprint
7 Para Push Ups
20 Meter Sprint
6 Para Push Ups
20 Meter Sprint
5 Para Push Ups
* 2 Min Rest


6 Chin Ups

20 Meter Sprint
5 Chin Ups
20 Meter Sprint
4 Chin Ups
20 Meter Sprint
3 Chin Ups
20 Meter Sprint
2 Chin Ups
20 Meter Sprint
1 Chin Up
* 2 Min Rest


30 Sec Spiderman Plank
30 Sec JRope
30 Sec MC Flex
30 Sec JRope
30 Sec Lt Plank
30 Sec JRope
30 Sec Rt Plank
30 Sec JRope
30 Sec Hanging Leg Raise


* Signed up for the Feb 2010 RKC in San Jose yesterday. I'm tired right now, but to say the least I'm on a high, not just b/c of the RKC, but more b/c of the fact that I am going to be a daddy. I've got a whole new lease on life. A new reason to be the best that I can be.

* Gonna take a week or two off from the KBs then get back to it like a predator feeding on its prey.

Sunday, September 20, 2009



Joint Mobility
4/4 24kg TGU
50 JJacks


15/15 VWC 7L7R w/ the 16kg. Got 30 rounds in today for a total of 210. We stayed up late last night and I fasted today, so I didn't want to expend all my energy getting 36 or more rounds. I'm good w/ 30.


* Exciting news and new 2wk workout tomorrow.



Joint Warm Up

50 JRopes
10 Goblet Sqts w/ 16kg
* 3 Rounds

3 Pumps
*2 Rounds

STRENGTH (w/24kg)

C&P 1,2,3,4,5

Ring Pull Up 1,2,3,4,5


* The batteries went out on my gymboss so I couldn't time the session. I cut it off at 4 ladders b/c it felt like a good stopping point. Still felt very strong through all ladders.

Thursday, September 17, 2009



Kali Indian Club Drills


10 Min TGU w/ 32kg 1/1

* Usually do three 5min rounds with this but I hit the presses late yesterday and stilll feeling the effects. I do the TGUs to help rehab after the presses, but I felt better doing two 5 min rounds instead of three. Train for success, not failure.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Need To Play By My Own Rules (Medium Press and Pull Day)


50 JRope w/ 3/4"
10 DBL KB SQT w/ 2x16kg
10/10 Halos w/ 9kg
3 Pumps


C&P w/ 24kg 1,2,3,4

Pull Ups 1,2,3,4


50,40,30,20,10 KBS w/ 27.4kg
10,20,30,40,50 MB Slams w/ 12lb MB
* finished in 10min


* I haven't trained anybody in weeks. I took a few days off to study for the E/O test two weeks ago, and haven't been asked to come back since then. A few clients have dropped off since school started, so that could be part of the reason. I miss it terribly. It has become a part of me. I spend so much time dealing with the dark side of health that it starts to wear me down. Training is the only thing that brings me back to the light. I feel proactive instead of reactive.

* This may be a sign for me to suck it, say "Fuck it" and start training clients on my own. I don't think I can continue to grow as a successful trainer under someone else's roof. I need to build my own "house" from the foundation up. How am I going to do it? I have no fucking clue, but I believe that I have a lot to offer people. I believe I can help them reach their goals, be stronger, and more confident. I have faith in that.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009



10/10 Sledgehammer Halos (8lbs)
     10 Sledgehammer Sqts (8lbs)
* 2 Rounds

50 JJacks
  3 Pumps
* 2 Rounds


10 Min 27.4kg TGU 1/1 = Got 13 again today w/in 10 min but very close to 14. Here I come #20. You ready for me?


5,4,3,2,1 COCT
          3/3 Hammer Lever & 1/1 COC1 x 5 Rounds

Monday, September 14, 2009



50 JRope
10 DBL KB Squat (2x16kg)
10/10 Halos (6.8kg)
3 Pumps
* 3 Rounds
Joint Mobility

STRENGHT (w/ 24 kg) (w/in 25min)

C&P 1,2,3

Pull Ups 1,2,3


5 Min. KB Snatch Test w/ 24 KG = 76 reps (BOOO!)


* Felt strong on the presses today. I concentrated on inhaling/exhaling at the right time which helped me stay tight and strong. Shoulders felt great. No pain or tightness afterwards.

* I'm a little upset w/ the snatch numbers today. Did I expect to hit 100? No, but I wanted to be closer than I got. I've got to get those #'s up and I've got to come up with a plan on how to do just that. Now, I'm wondering if the volume of the VWC is taking away from my 5 min snatch test.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


[Unfortunately, not all roads are so clearly marked.]


* My wife was surprised to find out that even I need to "pump" myself up to go workout. I love working out (sometimes I've been accused of loving it too much). Yeah, I get that "high" many talk of an experience and when it is really good, it keeps me coming back. I love knowing that I have a set goal in mind; be it for the day, week, or month. I plan ahead so that I know exactly what I'm going to do before I unlatch the pad lock on my garage gym. However, life happens and even a guy like me need a little motivation.

* Take yesterday's session, for example. I woke with at least four 24kg C&P ladders and a hefty bit of 32kg swings staring me in the face. My goal was to get it done as soon as I woke up, but as I said before, life happens. Yesterday life happened by way of cleaning the house, walking the dog, watching UT beat Wyoming, and taking a power nap w/ the head of my 150lb mastiff on my chest (he needs his power naps).

* Getting a late start on training put an even bigger wall in front of me, but I knew that I would hate myself for skipping it. More importantly, it would be like taking a step back from my progression. Fuck it! I sipped my last bit of white tea, donned my bandanna, and gave it 100%.

* I pushed myself and came out on top. I beat my C&P/Ring Pull Up stats. from last weekend by completing 4 (1,2,3,4,5) of both and I manhandled the 32kg swings much better than I had anticipated.

* The 80/20 Rule and Mental Toughness. I read somewhere that success in training is 80% mental and 20% physical. I can attest to that. I had to psyche myself UP hitting the gym more than I was trying to talk myself out of working out. I envisioned my self pressing with ease, pulling the rings down to me, and swinging the bell like it was lighter than air. Let me tell ya; IT WORKED BROTHA!

* You have to know that you can and will before you just "try."( thanks Yoda). How does the Iron Tamer drive a nail through a piece of wood with his bare hands? He KNOWS that he can. How do the stranded last for weeks with little food, water, or chance for survival? They do not despair and KNOW they can survive. Mental toughness has its place in the gym, field, andarena, but also in every day life.


50 JRopes w/ 3/4"
5 Dbl KB Sqts w/ 2x16kg
10/10 Halos
3 Pumps

STRENGTH (w/in 35 min)

C&P 1,2,3,4,5
* all w/ 24kg

Ring Pull Ups 1,2,3,4,5


50,40,30,20,10 KBS w/ 32kg
10,20,30,40,50 Sledgehammer Chops w/ 8lb Hammer

* finished in 11:40:00

Friday, September 11, 2009



1 - 1/2 + KICKS COMBO x 1MIN
2 - PUSH UPS x 30SEC
3 - 1/2/3 + KICKS COMBO x 1MIN
4 - AIR SQTS x 30SEC
5 - ALL OUT x 2MIN

1 - G&P x 1MIN
2 - MB KNEES x 30SEC


2 - PUSH UPS x 30SEC
4 - AIR SQTS x 30SEC

1 - 30 SEC PUMPS
2 - 30 SEC OH SQUAT (bar)
3 - 30 SEC WINDMIL LT (16kg)
4 - 30 SEC WINDMIL RT (16kg)
5 - 30 SEC FIRE HOSE WAVES (1-3/4")
7 - 30 SEC JROPE (3/4" rope)


* Feel great today. The shoulders are nice and loose ready to take on 5 C&P ladders tomorrow.

Thursday, September 10, 2009



50 JRopes
5/5 RKC Arm Bar


Two 60D Lowe's Nail Bends


5 Min Round X 3
18 total TGUs w/ 32 KG


VWC 15/15: 36 Sets of 7L7R w/ 16 KG

*HR B4 = 74

* HR After = 200


* They posted the sign-up for the Feb. RKC. I have until October to get the discount.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



30 JRope
10 Goblet Squats
3 Pumps
* 3 Rounds

STRENGTH (w/ a 24kg w/in 30 min)

C&P 1,2,3,4

Ring Pull Ups 1,2,3,4


* I opted to dow the VWC tomorrow b/c I had a doc's appointment to ge to today.

* Had a piece of celebritory Chocolate Pie, but more on that later.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009





3 X 3 L/R Pistols


AMRAP In 10 Min of 1/1 TGU w/ 27.4 Kg - Got 7L 6R total of 13 ( but did 14 to balance it out)

Bent two 60D nails today wrapped in Iron Mind blue wraps, then wrapped that in a towel as suggested by Jedd Johnson of Diesel Crew.

COCT - 5,3,2
COC1 - 3 x 2 L/R
COCT - 3x 5 L/R
8lb Hammer Lever 3 x 3


3 Rounds 30/10 Of - Spiderman Plank, MC Flex, Side Plank Lt, Side Plank Rt, Super Plank


* In regards to the TGU, Jordan Vezina's The Corrections is a big help. My goal is to get 20 total get ups w/in 10 min w/ the 27.4kg. I got 12 last week and 13 this week.

* Bent two 60D nails for the first time today. I emailed Jedd Johnson today with some questions about my technique. Might have to purchase proff. bending nails. No too sure if the ones I got at Lowe's are considered bending material.

Monday, September 7, 2009



10 Goblet Squats
3 Pumps
10/10 Halos

STRENGTH (w/24kg w/in 25 min)

C & P's 1,2,3
Ring Pull Ups 1,2,3

CONDITIONING (w/ 27.4kg)

10 Min of 30 sec KBS / 30 sec Indian Club Recivery

Planks Of Fury

Saturday, September 5, 2009



Joint Mobility
10/10 Halos
10 Goblet Squats w/ 16kg
3 Pumps

STRENGTH (w/in 35min)

C&P w/ 24kg - 1,2,3,4,5

Ring Pull Ups - 1,2,3,4,5


VWC - w/ 16kg 7/7 in 30 sets


*I felt much stronger today than last week's heavy day, and I was able to complete more work in the given time. My form seems to be improving as well. I am staying tight throughout the clean and all the way through the press. My body was a little more resistant to fatigue this go round. I monitored my rest making sure not to get too mush or too little. I'm looking forward to next week's pressing days b/c I will try and top what I did this week.

* I'm really liking the ring pull ups. My rt thumb is no longer hurting. I think I need to install a better pull up bar. the one attached to the power rack SUCKS! I'm getting a higher volume of pull ups per session w/ the ladder pull ups than I did with the 'Fighter Pull Up' program, however I am completing fewer reps per week. I think this will help me get stronger with my pull ups w/o over training, which I feel like what was happening with the FP.
* Got 30 sets of 15/15 7/7 reps with the 16kg. My goal for next week is 35 sets. Today, I really concentrated on my over speed eccentrics and punching through the bell at the top of the snatch. both felt very good and I felt very fresh during this whole session.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Active Rest And Recovery...Plus A Little Fun Too.

[Even the "Big Guy" needs some rest...ok he THINKS he needs a lot of rest.]

Beating Inanimate Objects...Now That's My Idea Of Fun.

ROUND 1: 5 Min warm up consisting of foot work, stretch kicks, and dynamic stretching

ROUND 2: Heavy Bag Work
                   60 sec Punches
                   60 sec Kicks
                 120 sec Combos
                   30 sec Burpees
                   30 sec Jumping Jacks

ROUND 3: UFC Ground & Pound Bag
                   60 sec Ground and Pound
                   90 sec Shoulder Carry Run
                   60 sec Ground and Pound
                   90 sec Shoulder Carry Run

ROUND 4: Active Recovery Circuit x 2 Rounds
                  30 sec Pumps
                  30 sec Overhead Sqt w/ 45lb bar
                  30 sec Windmill w/ 16kg Lt.
                  30 sec Windmill w/ 16kg Rt.
                  30 sec Fire Hose Waves w/ 1.75"
                  30 sec Push Up Plus
                  30 sec Jumping Jacks


* I am feeling great today so I decided to focus that energy towards a fun A.R. routine. I will start implementing these on my active recovery days depending on how I feel. I really miss being in my MMA class, so I figured there's a lot I can do on my own and still reap some of the same benefits, like improved conditioning, working technique, letting out aggression, burning some calories, etc.

* Afterwards, I felt alive. So, yes, this will be a part of my weekly routine. I'm still feeling the surge so I'm gonna take Jack to the dog park and let him let off some steam. Peace.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Indian Club Drill

Three 5 min Rounds of TGU w/ 32kg x 1/1 = 18 total for today

COCT Warm Up - 5,3,2 LR
COC #1 - 3x2 LR
Hammer Lever - 3x3 w/ 8lb hammer
KB Crush Curls - 10,6,4 w/ 16kg

My goal for next week is 20 in 15 min w/ the 32kg.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


WARM UP: 3 Rounds

10 Goblet Squats w/ 16kg
5 Push Ups Plus
3 Pumps


C&P's 1,2,3,4

Ring Pull Ups 1,2,3,4

CONDITIONING - "Swing And Rescue Suicides" (Dice Rolled 2 Rounds Today)

* 30 KBS w/ 16kg  - Sprint to the 24kg
* 20 KBS w/ 24 kg - Sprint back to the 16kg
* 30 KBS w/ 16kg - Sprint to the 32kg
* 10 KBS w/ 32 kg - Sprint back to the 16 kg
* 30 KBS w/ 16 kg


* I got it the gym a little later than I wanted to b/c I didn't wake up till around 2pm and I was too hungry and groggy to workout right away.

* Still feeling a lot stronger w/ c&p the 24kg. today was a medium day, but I set the gymboss to 25:00. I wanted to see if I could get 5(1,2,3,4) w/in 25min. I started getting tired and my form was shaky around the 3rd rung of the 5th ladder so I stopped in hopes of conserving my energy for the Heavy Day on Saturday. The 24kg felt like the 32kg does to me now, when I first started using it. It is starting to feel lighter and lighter everyday. This give me hope in using the 32kg in my ladders someday.
* I'm taking a break from the 'Fighter Pull Ups' by going back to the ladder pull ups. I'll have to really pay attention to how I feel and gage program will help me increase my pull up numbers faster. I also did ring pull ups today to change it up a bit.
* I came up with "Swing And Rescue Suicides" earlier today. I liked it, but would much rather do it on football field or track. The driveway didn't give me enough room to get a good sprint going. I only did 2 rounds of this today, but will add a few more rounds the next time I do it. It's going to be a lung-buster. I watched the video a while ago and noticed that I need to develop a better hip snap and focus on flaring my lats and pulling my shoulder down.
* Tomorrow is heavy TGU day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

TGU DAY 090109

WARM UP: Indian Clubs

10 Kali Chamber Drills L/R
10 Sword Draws L/R
10 Y Squats


TGU x 1/1 L/R w/ 27.4kg

- Got 12 today

Monday, August 31, 2009



  • Halos x 10

  • Goblet Squats x 10 (16KG)

  • Pumps x 3

  • C&P - 5(1,2,3) LR w/ 24KG

  • Pull Ups - 7,6,5,4,3 w/ BW

  • KB Snatch x 100 in 6:10 w/ 20.4KG
CORE 30/10 x 3 RDS

  • Spiderman Plank

  • M.C. Flex

  • Side Plank Lt.

  • Side Plank Rt.

  • Super Plank

  • I felt really good with my presses today. I started to really focus on my power breathing by taking a quick inhale prior to the clean and forceful exhale after it, then another inhale before the press making sure that I am tight ( abs braced, shoulders packed, glutes pinched)before I press the bell over head. I felt a lot stronger today than last week. Reading ETK for a third time has really helped. There's a lot of things I either missed or got a better understanding of once I read it again. Note: never read something once and put it down. I guess our minds can only process so much at one time. I am still having issues with "pressing with the lat." I'll feel it every now and then, but I don't have it down yet.

  • I've been doing the fighter pull system (outlined by Pavel here) for a while now. I'll take a break from it every now and then and have noticed a significant increase in my pull up numbers. Recently though, I haven't felt as strong. I'm not to sure why, but I ended one session w/ 10,9,8,8,7 and the next day I could only get 8 to start out. So I will be taking a break from this for a few weeks and will just be doing the pull ups on my Press and Pull days, instead of in 5 consecutive days.
    I have noticed that my lats have grown a bit.

  • I choose that picture up top because it is titled "Humility", and I felt very humbled today after doing my snatches. I wanted to see how long it took me to get 100 reps with the 20.4kg. It took me 6min 10 sec. Not really what I expected, but it does show where I need to improve. My conditioning sucked, to put it simple. We made a lot of runs after midnight this morning. I came home at 730am ate, and slept from 830-100pm. If felt that I had a lot of energy for my training session, but my body felt otherwise during the snatches. It's a starting point, I guess. It can only get better, from here on out, as long as I stay focused, make sure that my technique is solid, and stay mentally tough.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Embrace The Kettlebell Part II

[ They say that a box of tissue left in you car can kill you, if you get in a wreck. I would hate to see what this thing would do to me!]

I got an "A", but that doesn't mean I got a job. (083009)
So, a 93% isn't bad when you look at it from just a "test taking" point of view, but considering it was a promotional test, it's a whole different story. There were people walking out of the test with 100s, 101s, and 102s. I'll find out where I stand when I get to work on Sunday. By then, they should have a tentative list showing me my ranking and giving me a better idea if I will get promoted to Engineer/Operator. Did I want to do better? Damn right I did. I wanted to walk out with at least a 100. Am I upset with a 93%? Not at all. I felt that the test was easy and that I knew the material...,obviously 93% of it. If I have to take it again in 2 yrs, then I will be better prepared for it. This experience reminds me of my 1st approach in preparing for the RKC (not seeing any progress), and how I am currently preparing for it, which I am already seeing a lot of improvement in my form and how I feel. Recognizing your mistakes is one thing, but knowing how to fix them is even better. The moral of the story; the road to your goals is not a paved straight line with a bunch of rest stops on the way.
Here are some of  the destinations and the map I am bringing with me.
1) I will start a family with my love. She will be such a great mother that it will bring a great father out of me. There is just something about creating a little person(s) to take care of, watch grow, and be proud of that I want us to experience together. How are we going to get there? That's between her, me, and God. So keep praying for us and we'll keep doing our part.

2) I will stay on a righteous path. We all have the potential to to good, but we also have the potential to do evil things. Mike Mahler wrote a thought provoking article about that here. Every day, I will strive to be a better person. How will I get there? I will think of others over myself, lend a hand to those in need, not judge people for things they can't control ( ..really at all), and I will not pull somebody down just so I can rise above them.

3) I will bust my ass, everyday, to provide for my family. This is the path that I chose. I want to be a fire fighter. I want to be a paramedic. I want to be a fitness coach. Whether or not I feel more strong about one over the other is irrelevant at this point. How will I get there? I will wake up everyday and be the best I can be at the particular role I am filling that day. Most of all, I will be the best husband, son, brother, and friend that I can be, everyday.

4) I will ATTEND and PASS the Russian Kettlebell Certification. By now, you should know that one of the reasons I started this blog was to track my progress, thoughts, and feelings concerning my journey to the RKC. Obviously, I have strayed away from that in the last few posts, but not anymore. How will I get there?  For starters, I will use this blog to track my daily training sessions. The daily entries will focus on what I did in the gym as well as the kitchen, how I felt before and afterwards, my strengths, my weaknesses, likes, dislikes, and anything else I feel like commenting on that will hold me accountable for my progress. I have roughly 6 months to prepare for the Feb. RKC in San Jose; that's if I feel ready. Enter The Kettlebell will be my bible. I recently purchased Jordan Vezina's, RKC, The Corrections. in order to help me clean up my technique. I also have a thick stack of articles printed off the Dragon Door website concerning the RKC cert. and how to prepare for it. One in particular, titled How to Prepare for and Pass the RKC by Brett Jones, Master RKC, will play an integral role. I stronger with my presses and TGU's and more conditioned with the swing and snatch. Quality over quantity will be my mantra during my sessions. My form must be solid and sharp so a few training sessions with local RKC are a must. There are a ton of other things I would like to mention here, but to sum it up, I will pass the RKC with perfect form and by being as strong and conditioned as I possibly can.

5) Rule # 13

6) Rule #14

Heavy Day: 082909
Warm up - 3 Rounds Of: 10/10 Halos, 10 Goblet Squats (16kg), 3 Pumps
Strength - w/ 24kg
Clean and Press  1,2,3,4,5
Pull Ups              7,6,5
Conditioning - w/ 24kg     
10 Rounds Of:
30 sec KBS
30 sec 1.5lb Indain Club Kali Drill
Comments: I felt a lot stronger today and a lot more solid with my technique than I had the week before. I recently gave up coffee so that might have something to do with it. I really enjoyed pairing the swings with the Kali drills. The Kali drills were a great form of active recovery from the C&P's. I am going to work up to 20 rounds of that in the next few sessions. Diet not so good today because we are still celebrating my hard work and the resulting grade. Gonna kick it into high gear today and the rest of the week.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Embrace The Kettlebell Part I

[Trying to keep your hands dry in the TX heat and humidity is a real M.F. Sweat + scuffed handle = blister on palm.]

I owe myself an apology.

Outside forces( some that where out of my control, and some that totally were in my control) have caused me to neglect my accountability. If I can not hold myself accountable for my goals, then why the hell do I set goals in the first place? Setting a goal without holding yourself accountable for achieving it is like drawing a bowstring past its anchor point, which will cause the arrow to fall off the string to the ground below. I guess that's what happened to me. I drew my bowstring too far back by trying to accomplish too much at one time.
I don't want to make any excuses for this neglect...,
...but 4 months of studying for a promotional exam tends to take your focus away from a few things. Training (my self) gave me a 45 min escape from the monotony of reading page after page of technical fire fighter BLAH BLAH BLAH all day. I trained for strength. I trained for endurance. I trained for conditioning. I trained because I got to beat my aggression out with a sledgehammer. Training became such a big part of my mental rehab that I lost sight of the "why" and focused on the "do it" for the sake of doing it. I was still focused on preparing for the RKC, but I wasn't going about it the right way. I ignored one of the basic, yet one of the most important, concepts of training; the S.A.I.D principle (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands). "...basically means the best way to prepare for a kettlebell cert. is to train with a kettlebell" (enter Eric J. Moss, RKC). I ignored a basic rule..that I knew and implemented with my clients. It was like I was learning how to speak Spanish by taking Japanese. A trainer should know better. Well, a great trainer would know better and, apparently; I still have a lot to learn.
Aviod reinventing the wheel.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and I am no mechanic. When I first decided to embark on this journey, I thought it would be awesome if I came up with a personalized ETK program that not only helped me prepare for the RKC, but also for the physically demanding life of a fire fighter. ( Hello idiot!. ETK can do both.) Throw a few heavy dead lifts, tire flips, hammer chops, and sandbags into the pot. Pour in 2 cups of KB clean and presses, TGUs, swings, and snatches. You've got yourself quite a stew brewing, but too bad it smells like 'shit house door on a tuna boat' (you can thank Doug Sr. for that one).
Deep down, I knew it. I guess I was just trying to create something that I could take ownership in and maybe put in a book. 'ETK: The Fire Fighter Way' had a nice ring to it. Talk about premature confabulation!
Time to pick up the arrow, clean the tip off, and take aim.
I went down the wrong path. I know that now, and now is not the time to dwell on it. I have recognized my mistakes and know how to fix them. I would like to write more, but it is getting late. I still have a few more chapters that I want to review before I go to bed. Tomorrow, I will list my life goals and how I plan on accomplishing them. This ,and future post, will be here for you to read at your leisure. They will serve a much greater purpose for me. They will be my motivation, accountability, and a log of how I got to where I am going.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Real Man Food: Part 2

[Look at all that fake food. Makes me sick! I tell hya what!]

Travel back in time to about 480 B.C. to the pass of Thermopylae, you'll find a guy there cutting up a bunch of Persian , tap him on the shoulder, tell him he's not a "real man" because he doesn't eat "real man food," and see if you can make it back to your time machine with all your limbs attached to you.

Too unrealistic? Ok book a flight to Las Vegas, take a taxi ride to 4055 West Sunset, open the door to Xtreme Couture MMA, ask to speak to the 6 time MMA Champ president ( if you're lucky he might be eating a spinach salad.), tap him on the shoulder, tell him he's a pussy for eating "rabbit food", and pay your hospital bill after waking up in an ICU 3 days later recovering from a coma and reconstructive surgery on your now disfigured face.

Now that I've ruffled some feathers, I'd like to show you how I shop at the grocery store

First, let me clarify that I am NOT a professional nutritionist. I've spent a lot of time researching and applying different ways to eat healthy, and have come up with an system that works for me based on what I'm doing in the gym. What works for me may or may not work for you. However, I will say that you will notice drastic changes in the way you look and feel once you start incorporating more whole foods into you diet.

  1. Know Your Grocery Store: If it is dirty, the produce looks like its about to expire, and you get a feeling the staff is unprofessional, find a better place. My wife and I drive out of our way to go to HEB because the Kroger's with in walking distance from our house looks like a flea market and the stench of expired produce slaps you in the face when you walk through the door. If the inside smell worse than the garbage can outside,...I don't need to tell you what to do.
  2. Make A List Of Exactly What You Need Before You Go: Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. You'll save money by getting only what you need for the next week. It is OK to stock up on bulk things like nuts, grains, and other items that will keep for a while. For example, if you generally only eat one apple a day, don't buy ten. This will keep you from over eating and keep you from wasting money on spoiled food. I also feel that it is best to shop early on a Saturday or Sunday for the coming week so that you don't risk overstocking your tummy and fridge. As you can see in the picture above, my basket if full of fruits, berries, veggies, nuts, lean meats, organic eggs, and occasionally organic milk and Greek yogurt.
  3. Do Your Best To Stay On The Perimeter: Generally, grocery stores have all their whole fresh foods on the perimeter. I guess they do this so you have to pass all the canned and processed shit on your way to the milk and eggs. Don't dabble in the center for too long or else you will leave with more than you intended to take. (i.e. That "spare tire" you thought you sent to the junk yard.)
  4. Only Veer Off The Path For Whole Foods That Are Not On The Perimeter: This is where you will pick up things like walnut/flax seed/ e.v. olive oil, bulk nuts, seeds, grains (organic, raw and unsalted of course) goji berries, spring water, organic no salt added canned tuna (sometimes), Organic coffee (sometimes),organic nut milks and butters, vitamins, minerals, freeze dried greens, fish oil. You get the idea. I will occasionally buy Ezekiel sprouted grain cereal deping on my workouts. Again, don't be tempted to grab the Lucky Charms over the Ezekiel. If it is in a box or can and the ingrediet list is longer than the Bible, put it back. ( see "spare tire" comment above)

In Part 3, I'll give you how I generally eat from week to week and why. I would also like to give you an update on some changes I've made on my ETK paln. Drop a comment below and let me know what you think about this post, or if you want to add anything to my list. Look forward to hearing from you.

"When In Command, Take Charge."