Thursday, June 11, 2009

Know You Limits

I am in the process of writing my own ETK plan. The foundation of this plan will be built around the swing, TGUs, clean & press, and the snatch. I will also incorporate other lifts and methods that I think will help make me proficient at these foundational KB lifts.

In this video, for example, I did an 4 rounds of 24kg swings for 2min and hose waves for 30sec. with the 1' 3/4" hose. I found that 2min on the swing was too much right now .

My form started to go after 4 sets so I would be better off doing 20sec - 1 min rounds for 10-15 sets. I can't expect to perfect the lift, if I allow my form to suffer. 8 min of swings at about 33.6 per min gave me 269 swings total. Not bad I guess.

Don't have equipment? I don't wanna hear it. The world is my gym, and let the trees, rocks, or sand be my barbell. I did this at the end of my grip training session. I just wanted to see if I should incorporate it into my routine. That's a definite hell yes. The log weighs 43 lbs. I picked it up at the park by my house. It was left over from the after math of Hurricane Ike. I imagined it was a coke can and tried to crush it as such. My pecs and lats were flaring not to mention the damn thing was hard to hold. I was just waiting for ants to pop out of bottom. That would add a new level of difficulty to the situation.

Fighter Pull Ups: 7,6,5,4,3


  1. warm up w/ COC 5x5/5

  2. 225lb dead lift lockout hold @ 30, 20,10

  3. 25lb KB Pinch grip at 15,15,15 for each hand

  4. 68lb Farmers' Walk Driveway x 3

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